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To investigate stable isotopic variability of precipitation in Singapore, we continuously analysed the δ‐value of individual rain events from November 2014 to August 2017 using an online system composed of a diffusion sampler coupled to Cavity Ring‐Down Spectrometer. Over this period, the average value (δ18OAvg), the lowest value (δ18OLow), and the initial value (δ18OInit) varied significantly, ranging from ?0.45 to ?15.54‰, ?0.9 to ?17.65‰, and 0 to ?13.13‰, respectively. All 3 values share similar variability, and events with low δ18OLow and δ18OAvg values have low δ18OInit value. Individual events have limited intraevent variability in δ‐value (Δδ) with the majority having a Δδ below 4‰. Correlation of δ18OLow and δ18OAvg with δ18OInit is much higher than that with Δδ, suggesting that convective activities prior to events have more control over δ‐value than on‐site convective activities. The d‐excess of events also varies considerably in response to the seasonal variation in moisture sources. A 2‐month running mean analysis of δ18O reveals clear seasonal and interannual variability. Seasonal variability is associated with the meridional movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and evolution of the Asian monsoon. El Niño–Southern Oscillation is a likely driver of interannual variability. During 2015–2016, the strongest El Niño year in recorded history, the majority of events have a δ18O value higher than the weighted average δ18O of daily precipitation. δ18O shows a positive correlation with outgoing longwave radiation in the western Pacific and the Asian monsoon region, and also with Oceanic Niño Index. During El Niño, the convection centre shifts eastward to the central/eastern Pacific, weakening convective activities in Southeast Asia. Our study shows that precipitation δ‐value contains information about El Niño–Southern Oscillation and the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which has a significant implication for the interpretation of water isotope data and understanding of hydrological processes in tropical regions.  相似文献   
在干旱少雨的山区开展小流域的暴雨山洪预报预警关键技术研究,对防灾减灾意义重大。2018年7月31日新疆哈密北部山区出现特大暴雨,发生罕见的山洪灾害,致使射月沟流域水库漫坝溃口,下游受灾严重。射月沟流域气象观测站点少且缺乏水文监测资料,为客观定量分析射月沟流域大暴雨面雨量、形成的洪水汇水量以及致灾水库过程。通过采用空间插值法和多源融合逐时降水资料(CMPAS)计算了射月沟水库上游面雨量并进行检验分析。根据不同面雨量驱动Floodarea模型得出射月沟水库上游累计汇水量,结果表明:多源融合降水产品估算所得最大洪峰流量和累计汇水量与水利部门事后调查数据较吻合,最大洪峰量为1 756 m3·s-1,精确性达到调查值的95%,射月沟水库上游暴雨山洪总量为2.64×107 m3,远超该水库的防洪库容和溢洪道承载能力。  相似文献   
中尺度暖涡对热带气旋强度变化的影响及作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于两组理想化数值试验,对比研究了分布于热带气旋不同位置处的海洋中尺度暖涡所引发的热带气旋强度变化的时空特征。研究发现,热带气旋中心附近的暖涡对热带气旋强度有增强作用,而位于热带气旋外围的暖涡则会抑制热带气旋的发展。本研究将暖涡增强(减弱)热带气旋强度的区域称为内(外)区。随着时间的推移,内(外)区暖涡对热带气旋强度的增强(减弱)幅度逐渐减小(增大),区域范围同步减小(增大)。内区暖涡增强了热带气旋的次级环流和结构对称性、增加了海气界面热通量,同时减弱了外围螺旋雨带,进而导致热带气旋强度增强;若暖涡在外区,其对热带气旋的作用相反,导致热带气旋强度减弱。由于理想化试验中热带气旋静止不动,因此研究结果可能只适用于传播速度较慢的热带气旋。本研究结果有助于更好地理解热带气旋和海洋中尺度暖涡之间的相互作用,并通过引入热带气旋外区暖涡的影响助力提高热带气旋强度预报工作。  相似文献   
This article explores refugee economic subjectivity in the context of restrictive asylum policies and disrupted transnational family lives. Drawing on fieldwork with young Syrian refugees pursuing IT training in Jordan, I focus on the “coding boot camp,” an emerging educational format in the field of refugee professional training. I thus explore how Syrian youths approach humanitarian policies in which, in the absence of full social and economic rights for refugees, the question of livelihoods is addressed through the paradigms of self‐reliance, creativity, and innovation. Reframing the refugee from a “protected” to a “productive” subject, and offering individual solutions to a structural economic impasse, these policies produce tensions between individual responsibilities and more‐than‐individual relations and identifications—with families, religious identities, and national communities—that remain unresolved. The findings contribute to geographical scholarship on economic subjectivity, familial relations, and the migrant and refugee condition, while shedding light on some of the effects of the encounter between technology‐centred, neoliberal approaches to humanitarianism and restrictive migration regimes in responses to the Syrian displacement.  相似文献   
2010—2016年江西省暖季短时强降水特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付超  谌芸  朱克云  单九生  曾智琳 《气象》2019,45(9):1238-1247
利用江西省2010—2016年5—9月1597个观测站逐小时降水资料对江西省短时强降水进行统计分析。采用REOF将降水场划分为5个区域:赣北南部(Ⅰ区),抚州市及赣州中部(Ⅱ区),赣北北部(Ⅲ区),赣南南部、北部(Ⅳ区)以及赣中西部(Ⅴ区)。短时强降水高频区主要分布在山地及河谷附近,分别为湘赣交界罗霄山脉东侧、武夷山西侧、信江河谷、乐安河谷和昌江河谷。河谷附近短时强降水频次以昌江河谷最高(16.9次/a),山地附近最高在罗霄山脉东侧(12.6次/a),极端短时强降水分别位于上饶市东北部山区(3.7次/a)及九岭山南侧的锦江河谷(3.3次/a)。短时强降水主要发生在5月第3候,6、7月第3~4候以及8月第2~3候。Ⅳ、Ⅴ区具有单峰型的日变化特征;Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区具有双峰型的日变化特征。主峰基本集中在下午17时;次峰在上午08—10时。短时强降水对暴雨贡献率基本在40%以上,Ⅰ、Ⅱ区的暴雨天气过程将近一半是由短时强降水贡献的。信江河谷是暴雨雨量中心,但并不是短时强降水雨量中心;昌江河谷与武夷山西麓既是暴雨中心也是短时强降水中心。  相似文献   
我国中东部平原地区临界气温条件下降水相态判别分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈双  谌芸  何立富  郭云谦 《气象》2019,45(8):1037-1051
基于2001—2013年地面观测和探空资料,对地面气温位于0~2℃(以下称临界气温)我国降雪的时空分布及其与降雨的垂直热力特征进行了研究,引入了决策树判别方法对上述条件下雪和雨进行了判别分析,结果表明:临界气温下降雪出现频率总体高于降雨、雨夹雪出现频率,且在我国华北南部至江南北部的中东部地区分布较多,年均可达7.69~15.38站次;临界气温下,降水相态为雨或雪对应的平均温度廓线最大差异位于650 hPa附近,且地面气温较低时,平均温度差异更明显,平均湿度廓线差异则主要位于低层,且在地面气温较高时,平均湿度差异更明显;临界气温下,降水相态为雨时,地面上空存在暖层样本占比,较降水相态为雪时更高,且降雨时暖层主要位于中层,降雪时暖层则主要位于低层,降雨时其暖层强度显著大于降雪时暖层强度;在临界气温下雨雪判别分析中,地面气温能显著提升判别准确率,湿球温度能在一定程度上提升判别准确率,基于云顶温度、中层融化参数、低层湿球温度构建的决策树判别模型,判别准确率达到91.86%,能较好地解决临界气温下雨和雪的判别问题。  相似文献   
基于Himawari-8卫星的云参数和降水关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
桂海林  诸葛小勇  韦晓澄  刘伯骏  唐志军  江琪 《气象》2019,45(11):1579-1588
基于日本Himawari-8卫星的云产品,对中国中东部地区2017年夏季(6—8月)每日08—17时的降水资料进行了分析,重点讨论了云光学厚度(COD)、云顶粒子平均尺度(CPS)、云顶温度(CTT)三个云参数与降水的关系。试验表明,降水概率与云参数相关性较高,存在随着COD增加、CPS增加、CTT减小而增加的明显趋势。但是,单个云参数与降水强度相关性则较低;COD、CPS、CTT与小时降雨率的相关系数分别为0.2315、0.1823、-0.2235,均为弱相关。如果综合考虑联合两个或三个云参数形成小时降雨率分布矩阵,则降水过程能得到更为清晰的体现。2017年8月28日的个例表明,相比纯粹基于红外的算法,三参数方法可以明显提高小时降雨率的估计精度。  相似文献   
利用以色列特拉维夫大学二维面对称分档云模式(two-dimensional slab-symmetric detailed spectral bin microphysical model of Tel Aviv University),对2016年9月4日16:00(北京时)前后我国华东地区的一次暖性浅对流云降水过程进行模拟,模式模拟的强回波中心高度和最大回波强度范围与观测基本一致。并在此基础上进行了小于1 μm的吸湿性核的播撒减雨试验,分别考虑了不同播撒时间、不同播撒高度以及不同播撒剂量的敏感性测试。结果表明:在云的发展阶段早期播撒能起到更好的减雨效果,播撒时间越早对大粒子生长过程的抑制作用越强,随着播撒时间向后推移,受抑制作用最显著的粒径段向小粒径端偏移;在云中心过饱和度大的区域下方进行播撒,减雨效果更加明显,当播撒剂量为350 cm-3时,地面累积降水量减少率可达23.3%;另外,随着播撒剂量的增加,减雨效果更加显著,甚至能达到消雨的效果。因此,在暖性浅对流云中合理地播撒小于1 μm的吸湿性核能达到较好的减雨或消雨效果。  相似文献   
陈健康  赵玉春  陈赛  黄惠镕  郑辉 《气象》2019,45(2):228-239
利用福建省逐小时加密自动站资料、风廓线、S波段双偏振雷达与雨滴谱等新型探测资料以及NCEP逐6 h的1°×1°大气再分析资料,分析了2017年2月21—22日福建中南部一次预报失败的冬季暴雨过程。结果表明:(1)此次暴雨过程类似于锋前暖区暴雨,自2000年以来仅此一例,十分罕见,是在低空急流偏强并长时间维持的背景下产生的,并未受到南支槽和冷空气的影响。(2)闽中大到暴雨带和闽南暴雨区的对流系统相互独立,有多个对流系统影响闽中地区,仅两个对流系统影响闽南地区。降水有较明显对流特征,属暖云弱对流降水,容易导致预报员对雨强估计不足。(3)此次冬季暴雨过程的水汽主要来自南海地区,低层水汽条件与汛期暴雨相当,但整层水汽条件较汛期略差;低空急流对暖湿气流的输送使暴雨区趋于不稳定,但对流不稳定度较汛期弱。(4)高空辐散低层辐合的配置为冬季暴雨带来了有利的动力抬升条件,但暴雨区涡旋性不强,无明显正涡度柱。其中,闽中大到暴雨主要与条件性对称不稳定有关,是在湿斜压作用下倾斜上升运动中产生,而闽南暴雨区既存在对流不稳定,也存在条件性对称不稳定。  相似文献   
Renewable energy curtailment is a critical issue in China, impeding the country’s transition to clean energy and its ability to meet its climate goals. This paper analyzes the impacts of more flexible coal-fired power generation and improved power dispatch towards reducing wind power curtailment. A unit commitment model for power dispatch is used to conduct the analysis, with different scenarios demonstrating the relative impacts of more flexible coal-fired generation and improved power dispatch. Overall, while we find both options are effective in reducing wind power curtailment, we find that improved power dispatch is more effective: (1) the effect of ramping down coal-fired generators to reduce wind power curtailment lessens as the minimum output of coal-fired generation is decreased; and (2) as a result, at higher wind capacity levels, wind curtailment is much more significantly reduced with improved power dispatch than with decreased minimum output of coal-fired generation.

Key policy insights

  • China should emphasize both coal power flexibility and dispatch in its policies to minimize renewable power curtailment and promote clean energy transition.

  • China should accelerate the process of implementing spot market and marginal cost-based economic dispatch, while making incremental improvements to the existing equal share dispatch in places not ready for spot market.

  • A key step in improving of dispatch is incorporating renewable power forecasts into the unit commitment process and updating the daily unit commitment based on the latest forecast result.

  • China should expand the coal power flexibility retrofit programme and promote the further development of the ancillary service market to encourage more flexibility from coal-fired generation.

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